Online Store

Welcome! Lake Band parents and students can pay for various band fees and uniform items here in our Online Store page. (Donors please use our Donate page instead.)


  • Please review any deadlines or dates shown. Some items may be shown after the deadline for those who may need to make a late payment, but it could be too late to place a new order.
  • You will receive an email from PayPal after your purchase. Please retain the email as a receipt and proof of payment.
  • If you have any questions, please ask a Band Director or contact the Boosters Treasurer .

Any Other Band Fee (Miscellaneous)

Pay Misc Fees Now

Use this item to pay for any Band Fee that is not already shown above.

Instructions: Click 'Pay Now'.
During checkout, please specify the student's name AND the item(s) you are paying for.

Payments by Check

If you cannot pay online, the Boosters still accept checks or money orders.

  • Make checks payable to: Lake Band Boosters.
  • Write your Student's name, the item name, and any details in a note or memo.
  • Hand it to a band-director at school.

You could also mail it to us, please allow 1-2 weeks to receive your payment.
Mail to: Lake Band Boosters, PO Box 315, Hartville, OH 44632-0315

Donations and Patrons

Please visit our Donate page to give donations or to become a Patron.