Lake High School
Band Boosters Scholarship
Spring 2025

Script Lake panoramic

The Lake Band Boosters will sponsor four $1,000 Scholarships and one $500 Scholarship to five well-rounded Lake Band Seniors who are pursuing higher education. The awards are for one year and are non-renewable.

Eligibility Criteria:

  • Graduating Band Senior at Lake High School.
  • Seniors planning to pursue further education at a school of higher education (e.g. college, nursing school, technical, etc.), and must have been accepted before awards are given out.
  • Recipient must have participated in four years of high school band.
  • Must complete the application in full, including the essay, and submit no later than the deadline specified in the schedule below.
  • Applicants must be available for a personal interview conducted by the Booster Scholarship Committee on the Saturday specified in the schedule below.

Selection Process:

  • The application and selection process is governed by a Booster Scholarship Committee consisting of parents, teachers, and volunteers. Family members of applicants are prohibited from the committee.
  • The applicant's activities submitted in Part-1 of the application are used to generate a score. The essays in Part-2 are anonymized, reviewed by committee, and scored across multiple criteria.
  • Each applicant has an interview with the Scholarship Committee on the designated interview day. Additional scores are assigned by committee members based on the interview.
  • The committee compiles each applicant's overall score and determines the winners.

Scholarship winners will be announced at the annual Lake High School Band Banquet.

Note: If the winner does not further his/her education, monies received must be returned to the Lake Band Boosters before the start of the Autumn 2025 semester. The money will go back into the Lake Band Booster Scholarship Fund.

2025 Scholarship Schedule

Date Description
Jan 24 - Mar 7 Application Process Open
Students may submit or revise applications during this time.
Mar 7 (Fri) 11:59pm Deadline for Submission
All applications must be submitted, including any final revisions. Late or incomplete submissions will be rejected.
April 12 (Sat) Interview Day
Students must complete an interview with the scholarship committee at their scheduled time. The scholarship committee will contact students at the end of March to schedule time slots.
Apr 28 (Mon) Scholarships Announced
Winners will be announced during the annual Band Banquet.

Application Overview

The scholarship application process consists of 3 main parts. The online form covers the Activities Summary and Essay portions. Interviews will be in person.


The student will list high school band participation, extracurricular activities, honors & awards, and indicate the year(s) involved. Activities must be described clearly and accurately, and are subject to verification at the discretion of the committee chairperson. Credit will not be given for items listed improperly or incompletely.

Part 2: ESSAY

Write an essay answering the following question in 200 words or less: "How has the band program at Lake affected my education?"


Applicants must be available for a personal interview on Saturday, April 12th between 8:30am and 3:00pm. The scholarship committee will contact students in March to schedule the interviews. We will try to honor the student's preferred time of day, but cannot guarantee it.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are some examples of Extracurricular Activities?
Extracurricular activities are anything constructive, helpful, or educational that you participated in outside of school classes. Activities such as academic and sports teams including school, church, club, YMCA and community teams. Drama, plays, musicals, choirs, and bands (don't include Lake Bands already listed in a previous section). Clubs such as art, chess, drama, language, math, political/civic, science, spirit, STEM, ski. Other activities such as scouting, mentoring, coaching, writing, media production, volunteering and community service. If you served an important role or function in the activity, be sure to mention it in the description. Note that part-time jobs usually do not qualify as extracurricular activities except where significant personal growth, education, or helping others is involved.

What are some examples of Honors & Awards?
In the Honors & Awards section, you may list any awards you have won or special honors achieved. Past applicants have listed things such as lettering, coaches' awards, MVP, most-improved, highly-commended, academic boosters, outstanding soloist, dean's list, honor roll, NHS, president/vice/officer, Top 10/25, student of the month, medals, and other awards.

What is the interview process like?
A committee of band volunteers and a director will ask you questions to better understand your experiences in high school, band, and your aspirations for the future. The format is like all formal interviews and is intended to be an informative dialogue. Interviews last approximately 15 minutes.

What attire is appropriate for the interview?
Dress as you would for a job interview. Attire typically includes suit or dress, shirt/tie or slacks and blouse.

What other recommendations do you have for candidates?
Spell check your application, relax, be yourself and breathe!

How and when will winners be paid?
Winners are announced at the Band Banquet, by which time the student must have been accepted by a school of higher education. Winners fill out a short form to provide us the school name, phone, and address. The student acknowledges they agree to enroll and attend Autumn 2025 semester classes, or else return the money to the Boosters. A check payable to the student (or parent) is given in May after the signed form is received.

Other Questions?

If you have any questions, email us at