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Donate for Dunham Commissioned Piece

Online Donation Form

Use this form to donate online by credit card, PayPal, or Venmo.

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A New Symphonic Work
in honor of the Dunham children

(Read the story about this project and its inception here .)

The commissioned piece will cost approximately $10,000 total, for the work of composing a new original symphonic piece, plus related expenses for rehearsal and performance. Your donation will help cover these costs, along with matching donations from generous businesses in our Lake community.

Note: In the event that total donations should exceed our costs, excess funds will be given to the Lake Community Hope Scholarship Fund in Memory of Melissa, Renee, Amber and Evan; managed by the Stark Community Foundation, a 501c3. [ starkcf.org/give-lakehope ]

Dunham Children Photos

To pay by check, or for gifts of $1000 or more, see instructions to donate by mail .

If you have any questions, email the Boosters Dunham committee at dunham@lakebandboosters.org

“a chance to do something that can go a long way in creating something beautiful out of such terrible tragedy.”